Pathological Gambling


The process of defining and describing the act of gambling is complex. The various perspectives on gambling have spawned several competing paradigms and world views. Depending on the perspective, the act of gambling can be considered evidence of a purely recreational interest, diminished mathematical abilities, poor judgment, or cognitive distortions. In extreme cases, the act of gambling may even be considered evidence of mental illness or moral turpitude. But a more nuanced perspective has been needed to properly categorize gambling and to create an appropriate nomenclature for the phenomenon.

In-transition gamblers

Pathological gamblers exhibit various forms of psychopathology, including maladaptive personality traits and gambling motivations. Some researchers have proposed a classification of PGs into subtypes. The subtyping of PGs may have important implications for etiology and treatment outcomes. Among the most consistent findings of this research, three PG subtypes were identified. These subtypes closely resemble the conceptual pathways model proposed by Blaszczynski and Nower (2002).

In-transition pathological gamblers

Pathological gambling has similarities to alcoholism in that it is a dangerous habit with severe consequences. Both disorders are categorized along a continuum, but pathological gambling differs from problem gambling. A key distinction between the two disorders is the use of money to fuel an addiction and the severity of the problem. Here we discuss the causes and consequences of gambling addiction. In-transition pathological gamblers are similar to problem gamblers but are not necessarily afflicted with the disease.

Compulsive gamblers

Many compulsive gamblers have low self-esteem, and their actions are often motivated by a sense of hopelessness or desperation. These gamblers will often borrow money, either from credit card advances or from a friend or family member, in order to finance their compulsion. Problem gamblers are notorious for going through four distinct phases – desperation, fear, guilt, and hopelessness. These phases may last anywhere from 10 to 30 years, and in the process, they spend a great deal of their finances on gambling. They also put gambling on a higher priority than any other interest, such as sports or their jobs, and they can risk losing everything to fund their obsession.

Life insurance

While some call life insurance for gambling “gambling,” others view it as a necessary part of an economic plan. Life insurance can help ensure your family’s financial security in the event of your death. Even if you don’t have children, you should still consider getting insurance for your family. In fact, it can even protect you from debt if you die unexpectedly. Listed below are a few factors to consider when choosing a life insurance policy.


Government-sponsored lotteries are the most common form of lottery. Although they are not technically gambling, governments generally consider them trustworthy. While monopolies are generally considered the best form of lotteries, governments may also license private operators. In some cases, the government has a stake in the outcome of the lottery, and may also perform background checks and monitor operations. Private operators are rare in today’s market. As a result, most operators prefer government-sponsored lotteries.

Internet gambling

Despite the widespread popularity of online gambling, there are several regulations governing its activities. While some countries restrict the operation of online casinos, other countries, such as the United Kingdom, the European Union, and some Caribbean nations, have legalized online gambling. Operators of online gambling sites must have a license from one of these authorities to offer their services in their countries. Here are some of those licensing authorities: